安徽汽车配件进口报关 安徽汽车配件进口报关 DongGuan Import and Export Co., Ltd. Peng Kai Import & Export Co., Ltd is located in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China, as an agent of foreign products in general trade imports as the main business. Involved in many products, such as: old and new mechanical and electrical products, chemical products, food and vegetable oil, auto parts, lumber and other large mechanized materials. Separate import and export trade and international freight forwarding business group, the formation of the entire import chain of supply chain industry circles. Our offices and branches located in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, we can deal with these ports and export business, including customs clearance, commodity inspection, ocean shipping and air transport, Chinese local transport operations, payment of international payments business. China will have more and more imported goods from other countries, it may need professional logistics agency serves global imports of services. Peng Kai's main business is import agent, we are very specialized in import customs clearance, import clearance and import payments and other fields. We can tell the exporter or agent what documents should be prepared in advance in the China customs clearance, import duties and import value-added tax, how much should be paid before the service. After years of development, the company has completed Kay Peng import supply chain, import agency business building business group for the future expansion of import supply chain business full of well prepared, and the scale also has a considerable advantage, the company has import business staff 45, executives and managers 3, the operation portion elite team of 15, sent 16 factory workers stay in the whole process of import services, customers will get satisfaction, professional, quality service experience. ◎青岛进口报关行◎苏州进口报关行◎浙江进口报关行◎浦东进口报关行◎ -------进口物流*王生: Q---- 专业代理各种品牌进口车辆及配件进口清关服务。代理车辆进口批文,申请车辆整车进口手续,代理各种进口车零配件报关及运输服务。 高端进口品牌车辆有:阿斯顿马丁,法拉利,保时捷,宝马,路虎,奔驰,宾利,劳斯莱斯,马萨拉蒂,布加迪,兰博基尼,迈巴赫等等。 常年代理进口的汽车配件包括:车轮,轮胎,减速器,刹车蹄,减震器,车灯,玻璃,点火线圈,点火模块,火花塞,变速器,离合器,制动器,传感器,轴承等等。 代理进口口岸有上海,天津,广州,深圳,宁波等地。 全国重要的进口汽车配件集散市场主要分布在广州,上海,宁波及天津。 欢迎咨询外国车辆及配件的进口清关事宜! 行业** 资质齐全! 专业处理汽配进口疑难问题! 专业代理进口汽车配件、各类车零件! 专业处理各类品牌汽车配件、改装件进口难题! 专业处理进口海关审价、海关商检、海关查货、海关扣货! 专业物流派送,原包装送货上门,国外什么包装,到手就是什么包装! 私人改装件进口,一次的量很少,可能就一套避震器,可能就一套排气管,或者是一些小东西小零件,想要进口该怎么操作呢?我司可帮助更多的汽车改装爱好者进口汽车配件。有意向的请来电咨询,非诚勿扰。 新闻资讯—> (信息仅供参考!) ---------------(进口报关、进口清关、进口代理、进口许可证)---------------- 怎样识别国产车和进口车 老实说,国产车和进口车在外观上面的区别并不是蛮大。就拿BMW来说吧!国产宝马3系、5系同进口车在外观上面的区别微乎其微(当然,仔细对比,还是有区别的,至少国产宝马的轴距就比进口的要长些)。其实看车较主要的还是看尾部,因为一般的车在其尾部都已经清楚的标明了其具体的型号以及排量。因此,区别进口还是国产较简单的方法也还是看尾部,凡是宝马车后面有华晨宝马的,毫无疑问,肯定是国产。同样,国产奔驰也会在尾部标示北京奔驰,至于其他品牌的车,基本上也是大同小异,像AUQI Q5、大众 途观(这个车国产和进口的主要区别在前脸的进气格栅上面)等等,都是一样的辨别方法。 【进口报关】鹏通I3926865553---Q-【广州】【深圳】【上海】【厦门】【佛山】【天津】